After being introduced to the Kryon teachings in 1998, I have continued to immerse myself in this ‘new’ knowledge and information as it is given. I have loved being present in the energy of Kryon at all the live channellings in Melbourne and in 2013, at the Kryon Discovery Series in Mt Shasta, the Kryon Kundalini Tour in South America and I’m pleased to have been invited to have information about Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash available at the 2014 Melbourne Kryon event.
I have always endeavoured to apply what Kryon teaches and my own ‘remembrance’ to my life, skills and teachings. As an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Trainer and Practitioner, a Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Past life Regression Therapist, I have applied what Kryon has been teaching with what I have learned in my professional life. With guidance from my Higher Self and my own Akash, I consulted with Lee to see if I was ‘on track’ with what I had been drawn to create. Lee approved with what I had created in the form of workshops called “Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash”. These workshops continue to evolve with new energy and information as it arrives into consciousness on the planet. Over a weekend, a small group of people learn to connect with their intuition, their higher self and use techniques such as ‘Ask and Receive’ Method, muscle testing, psychometry, experience 2 Past Life Regressions (other lives), use EFT in time, space and place (Quantum EFT) on what drama arises from the PLR, dissolving it and then ‘Mine the Akash’ looking for gifts, talents, traits and imprint them into the present life.
I am now also offering ‘Personal Akashic Journeys’ for those who wish to have a personal, intensive journey, over a time frame that suits both of us, with me (and their guides and Higher Self) holding their hand. This journey will visit other lifetimes with the intention of finding the fear, drama and unfinished business that still drives them today at an unconscious, energetic level in survival mode action or inaction. Once identified, we use Quantum EFT to dissolve it where it originated so that it no longer impacts us in the now or in the future. With the drama/survival mode issues cleared, we go on to ‘Mine the Akash’ with the higher intention of finding love, happiness, success, health, skills and talents then bringing them back and overlaying them into the current life, activating them through the meridian system and having the multidimensional DNA speak to the blueprint of the stem cells.
As Kryon says in his “The Elusive Akash” channelling (Aug ’13), the new Akashic Drivers in our new recalibrated energy (after 2013), will be more influenced by compassionate action, love and finishing business. The energy will now support releasing feelings of being victims, self-worth will increase and the Akash will speak to the brain and the innate body in higher concepts.
This process of Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash, whether it be in a small group workshop over a weekend or a Personal Akashic Journey, with Jenny leading you through the process in each, will allow you to drop the fear based, survival driven karma and co-create for yourself a new future. These blocks and past experiences from the past can be difficult to get past by yourself. This is a process that marries with, and is a catalyst for, creating your new future, in the new recalibrated energy, free from past unconscious survival drivers.
Do you want to control your life and create a new future? How about if you become peaceful around drama and things that used to be a problem and they no longer push your buttons? Quantum EFT is a process that includes allowing you to state out loud, your intentions, allowing your cells, brain and energy to hear and feel it. You will have more peace in your life and live longer. You will become like the Masters and LIVE, ‘All is well’.
You can watch some Quantum EFT sessions on my You Tube Channel – “EFTAustralia”.
I love this video example (12 mins) of a Quantum EFT student who had been triggered by the concept of ‘confrontation’ after listening to the Kryon Parable, “Past Lives, Present Fears – Fear of Confrontation” –
Her whole body screamed out the emotional and physical past life feelings of fear of death in the face of confrontation and it was clearly still affecting her today. After the Quantum EFT Session on it, the feelings dissolved. She no longer shakes and fears for her life in situations of confrontation and she doesn’t avoid them either. That karmic fear based driver is no longer present for her and she is free from it.
What karmic, fear based drivers are still controlling you under the radar? If you’d like to ‘void’ them and move freely into creating your now and future, as well as go into other lives lived and collect talents, gifts, skills, health, then visit my website – and book for a workshop or personal journey (both have limited spaces). If you would like a Quantum EFT Workshop in your part of the world and would like to co-create it with Jenny, email her to discuss and create it.
Here is some feedback from people who have attended a Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash Workshop, including this short video –
Jane – “This was truly an organic, primal experience. Wonderfully clear and evocative, delving into a deep past which influences the ‘me’ now. I have received guidance offering direction into new areas in my practice. I feel it was balanced and I loved the way you led us into the group past life experiences. It was a divine experience, as was Mining the Akash. I was given some very important knowledge. Thank-you”.
Vanessa – “Loved the weekend. I never thought I’d be able to tap into a Past Life as I’d never been able to before”.
Janine – “The experience of this workshop has been so valuable to me. I can’t even begin to process all the learning and insight I’ve received”.
Delena – “The workshop has opened up whole new worlds – literally. I have a newfound confidence in my own power knowing that I have access to all my past learnings. The workshop was very gentle, yet powerful. Thank-you for creating a safe space for us all to expand, grow and play in”.
Julee – “Wonderful weekend. I tapped into a couple of Past lives and figured out a lot of issues I have and where they came from. I got incredible feedback and also got to resolve my issues. I met two awesome people from my Past Lives – Joshua and Leila. They both gave me so much”.
Trish – “Jenny is an excellent trainer. She allows you to travel at your own pace and helps to guide your learning gently and respectfully. She is intuitive and insightful of your journey, always there to assist and nudge your understanding. Thank-you so much Jenny for being my guide on this journey of self-discovery”.
Louise – “Truly enlightening course. So much to think about and so many new avenues to practice Quantum EFT. I leant so much about myself and my personal path in life – huge guidance for the path ahead”.
Clare – “I found the weekend to be very beneficial but not in the way I was expecting. It’s fantastic to be able to come to such things in a safe, loving environment and let what needs to unfold to do so. Jenny you have a very special, lovely energy and I much appreciate your input, loving support and patience”.
Craig – “This weekend gave me what I asked for – confirmation of my key role in this life. What was interesting was Jenny’s ability to get the energetic space for those participating to trigger and bring through ideas/messages. I found the ‘empowerment’ process very profound and integral. A great weekend and confirmation of the Quantum EFT process, power and benefits. Jenny, you are a great facilitator. Thanks“.
Caroline – “Love learning about the higher levels of soul and higher awareness and how to access them with the different exercises. Good combination of theory and practical. Really enjoyed the Parables. Thanks for the course. Just what I needed”.
Diane – “Thank-you Jenny for a thoroughly enjoyable journey. I feel the ‘head noise’ quietening. I feel more still and centred. I really enjoyed the group and all the blessings of being together in person, space and time. With love and blessings”.
Madeleine – “I went into the ‘Quantum EFT and Mining the Akash’ Workshop mainly hoping that I would feel a healing on some level and I did. The channelling of Kyron and the Mining of the Akash opened new areas of learning for me in expanding my awareness to finding my Truth. The group PLR for me was a pleasant experience this time (I have had a group PLR when I attended Dr Brian Weiss’s Workshop years ago which didn’t produce the experience I hoped for). Part of this was your guidance through the whole experience. Your voice is fabulous for hypnotherapy. The language of Quantum EFT is slightly different but the idea of it is totally brilliant. It allows the client and Practitioner another venue to explore and to release the blocks that hold us back. The whole weekend allowed for plenty of discussion especially with the Kyron Parables and the PLR. This was true of the Quantum EFT sessions as well. I loved them so much, I would have liked to have observed more of these so I could get my head around how you were able to get them to that locked space in their Sub Conscious mind and the way in which you were able to transform those scenes through time, space, and place. Again I am amazed at the versatility of EFT and Quantum EFT showed this to me. For me, Quantum EFT is new, innovative and it works! It was a great workshop and weekend. I enjoyed new insights, lots of laughter, great company and another opportunity to see the amazing reach and diversity of EFT”.
Elizabeth – “This was a profound and moving 2 days with much to think about and to process over the next few weeks. The ‘unstructured’ approach leads to a deep evolvement and bonding of the group. My impression is that this has been a sampler with many experiences in a short period of time. I can see exciting possibilities for future development leading into greater depths and extent of exploration and healing. God bless”.
Michele – “An amazing journey of self-discovery and transformation. In the process I have also learned a beautiful and gentle way of using EFT on a deep soul level both for myself and my future clients. An incredible weekend Jenny, so very much appreciated”.
Now is the time to co-create and accelerate moving into the new energy for human beings. With your highest intention for YOUR soul’s journey and that of humanity, I look forward to and I’m honoured to work with you, should you choose it.
In service to humanity,
Jenny Johnston.